onsdag den 29. januar 2014

Charity Crochet


 I can't remember where i found the patterns for the hats. Feel free to tell me if you see this is yours or you know where they are from, thx.

The blanket is here.
And i am working on a different colour of the blanket.
And i was thinking of alternating the blanket for 2 different sizes more just totaly different colours, but that would probably be a summer project as i am also working on a zelda inspired granny square blanket as a gift for a friend, plus i have the queen size crochet blanket for my bed to make, but the yarn i am using there hasen't come back to the store yet, so that i shelved. plus i have an alpaca wool blanket also waiting for more yarn, this one though has the same type of pattern as the blanket i made for x-mas. and is turning out to be alot better than i expected, really can't wait until it's finished.
posts will come.


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